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Enabling Production Shaders in Max 2008

I will be attempting to put up info for questions that are popping up, perhaps these should be in a FAQ section, but for now I will post straight forward answers when I can and try to include them in future MatLab revisions.

Enabling Production Shaders in Max 2008:

Find (use Windows search feature if necessary) for the file called: “production_max.mi” in your max 2008 installation (Example: C:\Programs Files\3ds Max 2008\mentalray\shaders_standard\include\ production_max.mi).

Open the file in Windows notepad or other ASCII (plain text) only text editor.

Inside the text editor do a search and replace of the following code term (“hidden”) in multiple locations by using the Find feature. Find: "hidden" and Replace with: #"hidden" similar to the example code below:


gui "gui_mip_gamma_gain" {
control "Global"  "Global" (
"uiName"      "mr Gamma & Gain",

- To -


gui "gui_mip_gamma_gain" {
control "Global"  "Global" (
"uiName"      "mr Gamma & Gain",

Save the file and start 3ds Max 2008, the shaders should now be available, the Gamma and Gain for example are available if you click on the diffuse map box inside of a mental ray ‘archdesigner’ material and is listed as “mr Gamma & Gain” as with around nine shaders with the “mr” prefix.

Note: This is one example of commenting out the hide command, there are multiple occurrences in the file, so make sure to use the "Replace All" in the ASCII text editor. Some of you may wonder why I use the term "ASCII" editor, that is a plain text editor that doesn't do any formatting to the text, if you used WordPad you would need to make sure to use the save as plain text or ASCII text and you would NEVER want to use MS Word or rich format type editor for editing code.

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