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MR Materials! Overview

What is Mr Materials?

In its simplest form it is merely a file repository system, but hopefully with the communities help, it will be a great resource for CG artist who use some version of the 'mental ray' or 'finalRender' render engine in the creation of art.

Mr Materials (MrM) is not affiliated with 'NVIDIA' or 'Cebas Visual Technology, Inc.' in any way, it is a private project created and maintained by Russell Thomas, founder of 3Dallusions LLC (3DA | 3DA Studio | Digital Sweatshop), with the help of mental ray guru Jeff Patton. The project came about because at the time that the process was started, there were no serious projects of this type supporting Mental Ray or finalRender. Both Russell and Jeff continually donate their time and efforts in various ways to support the computer graphics community and this was another area where they thought they could do some real good.

The end goal is to create a resource for mental ray and finalRender users from around the world with the help of other users from around the world. You are invited to help make it happen.

Special thanks to:

Jared Martin - MatLab Conversion to Maya
Harry Bardak
- MatLab Conversion to XSI
Alan Jones
- Consulting

David Johnson - Site Content
Jason Addy - Site Content
Maximilian Tarpini
- Site Content
Indranil Ray
- Site Content
Paulo Barrelas
- Site Content

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