MrM Now Supporting finalRender!
MrMaterials is now supporting finalRender by Cebas Visual Technology Inc.. There has been a lot of shake ups on the rendering engine front this year and MrM had to do some soul searching to determine what we wanted to do.
One thing after another happened this year in the world of 3D Rendering, AutoDesk drops mental ray, Nvidia discontinues mental ray, Chaos group buys Corona....... Big shake ups and we were left with our rendering engine reaching end of life, we had some soul searching to do....... We knew that we didn't want to abandon mental ray as plenty of people still find our resources useful, but not adapting to change is just a slow death.
We knew some programs could use mental ray DesignArch materials so there was some usefulness to our repository, but probably not enough, what option might prolong the site and what options might help us grow? We discovered that not only did the new finalRender 4 render mental ray materials, it was also a CPU-GPU hybrid rendering system. It seems to be a rendering engine that can take advantage of our resources and new enough that we could become a useful resouce for the rendering system.

We aren't abandoning mental ray, in fact we still use it in our professional lives.What we are doing is fortifying the sites usefulness by adding another rendering engine to our repository and looking to the future. We have converted over 400 of our mental ray materials and have uploaded 250+ of them and will be adding the rest over the next few months. In addition we have some special resources that we will be making available in the near future.
We think finalRender is a great piece of software with lots of potential and a great future ahead. Edwin Braun/Cebas Visual Technology Inc. has helped support us in this endeavor and we look forward to working with them in the future!
We are always looking for people to contribute or even join the team and help make MrM successful! So whether it is just sharing some of your materials, or becoming a moderator/editor and sharing tutorials and your knowledge with the rest of us, we would love to have you as part of the team!
If you haven't checked out finalRender yet, you can do some here: finalRender